The trouble with having an open mind — Bronwyn Williams (Flux Trends | Partner)
The trouble with having an open mind — Fixing the world and breaking echo chambers
Bronwyn Williams (Flux Trends | Partner)
In this episode, my friend and speaking colleague Bronwyn Williams and I finally get around to solving all the world's problems, and in only 45 minutes or so.
Bronwyn is a futurist, economist and trends analyst with over a decade’s experience in strategic management and foresight. She holds tertiary qualifications in Marketing Management (UJ), Economics (University of London), Foresight (University of Manchester), and Future Studies (University of Stellenbosch). She is currently completing a Master's in Applied Economics from the University of Bath.
We both have ideas about how to address some of the world's most complicated problems, but they're seldom the same ideas. This has produced many interesting debates and rich conversations, and I hope this show is one of them.
Bronwyn's website
The Flux Trends website
Music : Mike Morse | Perfect Teamwork
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